Product ConditionProduct Condition

We acquire products from trusted suppliers and give buyers a good discount.

Distributors and manufacturers find themselves with dozens of products they can’t sell normally.
This is because:

    • a product has its packaging or case damaged
    • it’s an old version of a product
    • the product used to be a floor model
    • an unused product is returned from a museum store


To make room for upcoming collections, we
are selling these items at a lower price.

All products gathered in Architect Outlet have been hand selected from a variety of shops, museums, and brands, and are for sale.
You can find offers ranging from 10% to 60% off depending on the condition of the item.

How do we assess condition? What do the tags on the pictures mean?

After evaluating the physical and mechanical condition of all products, we label them in three categories: #new, #good, and #fair.

See examples:

Product Condition
Product Condition
Product Condition

#new (or no tag):

These products are brand new, as they come from the factory. They include their original packaging and may even be protected by shrink plastic



Just like you’d buy them in a store


These are #new products, but their original packaging is either slightly damaged, has been opened, or has been replaced by a different one





Most scratches and dents on their packaging are caused during warehouse manipulation


These products work perfectly, but have small physical imperfections and/or accessories are missing. Most #fair products have been returned by museums after being on display during in exhibitions


Each #fair product has detailed information of their status on their product page



If you have any questions regarding the status of a product, its origin, or want to see more pictures before making decision, ask us freely at